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Wednesday 16 October 2013

Inbrzil  the  er is a lot ov anmuls the  jagyws.by ethan


Brazzil  is   hot.Brazzil   is  sunny.Brazzil  has   torl    billdings.In   Brazzil   rich    people   have   a   big   gate   around   there    house   so   poor   people    don't   get   in.by   Romie                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
In year 2 we have been lerning about brazil.We have been doing it a lot.In year 2 we are very good at maths.Are techer is mrs door she is very nice.In year 2 are sport is football in pe.The sport coaches are claitern and celi.On mondays are dance is capueera.by Nathan

brizilian penpals ,rich and poor people and the amazon rianforest

st johns sponser children from brizil and  poor and rich people.

In the amazom rainforest there are lots of daudras and wild animals like monkeys,lions,tiggers and parrats.

Rich people steel  stuff away from poor people and never give it back but poor people don't steel there just be poor but they don't have any money.

by samara
we are lerning  about  penpals. bysebastian

In asbley  we  were lering   about  trust   some  people  we re  riting  on a  peos  of  paper

From   safa.

In year 2 are sport is football'. by caiden
In yaer 2 in are dance leson we were doing a bazilyern mashalart dance called  capuera
it was a fighting  but not tuching echover was with Harris from Ahmed.........................................................................................................................................................   .
In year 2 we are lerning about Brazil,in Brazil there is,sao poulo,Amazon.by saim.
we  have  lerning  about  amzan  rigenforrest.by George
in year two we are learning about the amazon rainforest by finley
year 2 have been doing wich sections of difront animals live in by jamie

The brazilian live style

In parst of brazil it is very dangerous
Ms midlton came on wednesday.
Year 2 have been puting paper animils in the amaizon rainforist.
By Harris.

brizzlian penpals

st jhons sponser children in  briazil some children in briazil have wrote to us like yana m
arrile rebaca samara    fando and Ewton. we are witing letters back to are penpals and we are going to post them soon. the Amazon rainforest is being cut down and is dived into diffrent layers the forest floor  the understory and the conopy layer
by darcy