Welcome to Year 2's Class Blog. We hope you enjoy reading our blogs and looking at photos of us in class.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Egg and spoon


Sports day

Friday 8 July 2011


Today we have been making wells out of milck bottles string boxs and cardbord then we tested them out with water.By Daisy

A well

A well is a big rock bucket with water in it.But it is harder to make a water fountain
by caitlinb

A well

Thursday 7 July 2011

Tuesday 5 July 2011

We have been luning about water and waterfalls . Water is very good  for you .You need water to be  helfey and strong  by katie

This website is good because it tells you how hard people in the desert work to find water and a man is at a well with his friends and the man goes right down in the well and uses his tool to break the rock it takes hours and when he is down in the well he also has to pull the bucket up to his friends and thats why i like that website. by olivia.
this is chicky whicky he loves running about by josh
This is a picture of a water fall on a rainbow it is a bit like a rock pool because it has rocks in it.By Daisy.

Baby chicks

This afternoon I went to the reception class & I saw baby chicks one was called Rachel one was
called sonic phoenix chirpy bonnie ellie mae caitlin  the porly one is in a big,ginoumous
by xarea.

Monday 4 July 2011

Phoenix and Rachel


Today we have learnt about if a bot will go faster wif mur popl by isabel

Are expsperiement

We are  learning about boats and sloapes .We are trying to make a boat go faster.If we put people in the boat would it go faster.The boat that had people in went faster.by Jamie and Amaan

Mrs Z and Rachel the chick

Rachel the newborn chick in Reception

Friday 1 July 2011

This afternoon I was with Mr elis & we did some thing to diside who is going to be in wich group for sports day & I was red I am so exited & I can't wait to go to it I am looking very forward.by xarea.

Model of a city


                                                                        The river Mersy has a weir that is a kind of water fall it sounds like a whale splashing its tale. by olivia

The windy river mersey

The river mersey is as blue as the sky.There are stones as yellow as sand.The river mersey gushes along.by Jamie
The river mersey water is as  blue as the sky. And the water is as cold as ice. The water is solltey.It is very beep. The coluer of the river mersey is bark blue. The sun reflecs on the water. It gushing and rushing down the river mersey.by katie