Welcome to Year 2's Class Blog. We hope you enjoy reading our blogs and looking at photos of us in class.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

When ducks are first born they go in water with there mother. Thay stsy close to there mum a lot by katie
Frogs have been living on this planet for more than 250 million years, and over the centuries, evolved into some of the most wondrous and diverse creatures on earth.  Today, however, all their remarkable adaptations and survival tactics are failing them.  Recent discoveries are startling: more than a third of all amphibians – most of which are frogs and toads – have already been lost, and more are disappearing every day.  It is an environmental crisis unfolding around the globe, traveling from Australia to North and South America.  Where the calls of frogs once filled the air, scientists now hear only silence.  Ecosystems are beginning to unravel, and the potential to discover important medical cures may be lost forever.  Habitat loss, pollution and a human population that has doubled in the past 50 years have set the stage for their diminished numbers.  But now, a fungus called chytrid has been identified as the major culprit, and so far the spread of the fungus can’t be stopped.
Chytrid continues to move quickly, extinguishing entire frog populations in a matter of months.  Scientists have taken drastic measures to counteract it, such as evacuating frogs from the wild and sheltering them in a sterile environment.  The El Valle Amphibian Conservation Center in Central Panama, for example, houses 58 species of frogs in their facility, including the rare golden frog, which no longer exists in the wild. To date, the only chytrid-free area left in Panama is the Burbayar Forest, a thriving environment still full of healthy, unaffected frogs.
Frogs may seem small and insignificant, but their bodies may hold the key to important new discoveries in medical research.  Scientists are finding that chemical compounds found in frogs’ skins can be used to treat pain and block infections, and are even being explored as HIV treatments.  Our chances for the discovery of future medical miracles may be slipping away with the disappearance of these tiny creatures in our midst.
Their impact on the world’s ecosystems is great.  Frogs sit right in the middle of the food chain, and without them, other creatures are disappearing, too.  We are only just beginning to understand what life may be like without them.  The race is on to stem the tide – before the next frog crosses the thin, green line.

by mohammed and daisy

Monday 27 June 2011

The river bank

The river Mersey

A weir

Stopping for a rest

Off to see the river Mersey

you push when you flush the toliet and also you push down the toliet lid and it is good if you do because if you don't in the morning the toliet will be brown if you have done a poo that is.by madeleine
thes is  a door     theat       you can    push  and pull  to open   and close 
by jessica  and isabel

  You push and pull a bell up and down.We do it when we line up.by katie

A bell is something were you push it up and down and it rings and then you can get peoples attenshion. In my school they youse one at the end of play time so we no that its time to go in. Sometimes it is loud and sometimes its in the middle. To make it ring there is a little thing in the inside and when you shake that it goews side to side and that makes a loud noise. by olivia.


A river is a long line of water.It gose on for ever. If you have a boat you can go down  the river in it.You can padel in a river. There are lots of stons in rivers.by katie

Friday 24 June 2011

Road safety walk


Rivers are as blue as the sky.Rivers are as cold as a freezer.Rivers are sea through as glass.Rivers are damp on the edge.There are king fishers on the River.from Jamie


soft like a dog

blue like the sky

wet as a swimming pool

cold as a ice berg

long like a racing track

dirty as a swamp

deep like the sea

buetifull as a coral rock

green as grass

clear like see through paper

coulerfull likea rainbow by olivia

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Water is very inpornt were water coms from is the water cicle. Water is very helthey and good for you.If you didnot have water you would not survive.by Daisy.

The Wirl pool

This is that wirl pool that wirls all morning,wirls all night and every single second of the day and all night.It goes round and round and  round it also goes splishy splashy sploshy splishy splashy sploshy all day long.by Madeleine Baliey and c  Caitlin Bates


you can get all ciands of waterfalls.
you can get waterfalls a cm long.
you can get waterfalls 10foot tall.
Or you can get a foot tall .
And 10 cm long  .
And ones going inbetwine trees and  rocks .
by mohammed and matthew.j.m


Water is very inportent because you can die with out it.Water is wet.Water is good for you.Water is see through.Water has got no flaver.Water has got no milk in it.Water is blue.Water is a drink.Water can make fluds.Water can make clouds.Water makes you need a wee.Water makes you clever.Water comes out of taps.Water comes out of the toilet.Water comes out of washing machine.Water comes out of the shower.You can NOT bite water.You can NOT eat water.You can not put a spider in water our it will DIE.Water is the helthyest drink in the world.by Leon and Jamie

you  must triy to  drink some water. Water can make your bodey helfey and strong.by katie


Water is very inportent if we didnt have water we wouldent sevive. And if we didnt have water we wouldent have pets.Water is a very healthy  thing. And plants would die. by olivia and katie.

Monday 20 June 2011

Water painting

The sea is clear and cold. The sand is gold. by katie
The sae is light bule and dark bule at the back

The sandy beach

On some beaches there are mountains that are stiff.Sometimes the sea is freezing.The stones have fury moss on them.On some beaches there are smooth leavs.The sand is very very very hot.Sometimes beaches has tunnels.Sometimes there is something called a crag that's very very stip and high.This beach has clear water.There are hundreds of stones on this beach.There are also hundreds of hotels in the background.by Jamie

The gold beach

 Peplo go to beaches for hoiladay. They splash in sea and make sand castals. Its so much fun theres a sentry beach in blackpool.The funist part is geting wet and finding cretures in rockpools like krabs.You can get a lot of shade placeis on a beach.You can get donky rides too.And the montines are very big if you get to the top you could see the hole world.you can see trees on this beach and tree tops.Some times the sand gets hot when a light is on it.When water goes on the sand it turns into wet sand.Peplo might camp at the beach.snow + sand = snowy sand.The trees are long and dark green and the birds sing.By Josh

The beach

This is a bit of moss fluffy,soft and all around.
The ocean wild,blue and very foamy.By Caitlin Bates

Tuesday 14 June 2011

pond for kids

The south pond is like the south wind in you'r face but with a.............. SPLASSSH!!!
This is a frog pond and frog ponds have lot of colours.by Caitlin
The ocean is a very big sea the biggest ocean in the wourld is the pacific ocean. By olivia.
A pond is a small lake. from raynae                              

Rain is water that falls from the sky in drops.by katie