Welcome to Year 2's Class Blog. We hope you enjoy reading our blogs and looking at photos of us in class.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

we desind choclate rapers how ever we liked.by katie

Monday 23 May 2011

At cabry world go into the shops and if you buy a chocolate bar say a flaver and it will tern the flaver you said when you

cadbury world

Come and make your own cadbury cocoa drink and enjoy sitting back and going round and round in a cadbury car. Enjoy eating a cup of chocolate that is free and everything is free and has the best popllaraty in the world. by mohammed
Come and make your own cadbury cocoa drink everything is free by Daisy.


All aboard!It's cadbury world's ownpopular made from chocolate cadabra ride-a wonder magic jorney full of super suprises  sile and wave .Look up and get a suprise.
by Caitlin and a bit by Matthew d
Be super amazed of the sight of hundred's of all sorts of chocolate's getting rapped.Come through a magical door and you can eat some of the chocolate.by Jamie


Travel back in time and invent a intention that is a car to getto bull street and meet john cabury and the other chocolate makers. by olivia.

Friday 20 May 2011

cadbury world

We went to cadburys world yesterday we had lots of fun the culour for cadburys world is purple.

cadbury world

Yesterday we whent to cadbury world.We got given a crunchy a cerly werly and a chocolate bar.by leon and matthew.

Cadbury world

It's so fun you can't beat it.
It's Cadbury world you no it.
If you can try a bite.
It won't eat you it's chocolate.
And you no it.I'm sure.
Caitlin said
by Caitlin.
Cabruys wourld is ameasing  it is fanrtastic by isabel.

The trip to cadbury's world

At cadbury's world  I  love the hot chocolate with marshmellow & we went on this ride & when you got to
this sertant part your thing that you were wearing would go blue very light blue it would glow so lightly.
by Xarea & Mia

cabrys world chapter 1

cabrys chocolate is the best chocolate in the world and its fair traid. We went there yester day and got some hot chocolate.

by dylan luke and washie joshi
I went to cabrys world and eat some choclate
Yestar day we went to cabris wald and we et sum meltid chocolet and we went on a lital rayd tawards the end thean mar tawads the end we got to et sum mar chocolet you cud hav mash melos pocon ras crispis ar geli babis  we went to a infa mashan rom and saw ston pipal I had mash melos far my chocolet one of the pipal showd us haw to mac chocolet shels wat mad the chocolet  stey on the man put the cocoa butar on the chocolet

cadbury world fun

wen  we wer  woch ing a\ film   the  chers shuk and stem kam owt the chers

The thing I liked about cadbury world

We went into a forest and they were showing us what it would be like  of you were piking cocoa pod's.by Jamie

cabruys wourld

Yesterday our class went to cabruys wourld. When we got there everybody wanted lunch. But it was one our intill we had lunch. After that we went on a car ride me and freya were in diffrent cars. On the car ride we saw coco beans in there houses. And there were coco beans waching hoodwinked. But there was a camrea and took our picture and i frouwned. And we went into the antartic it was really cold. But then the ride stopped. And we saw our pictures. by olivia freya.

a dubble bar

 a duuble bar is a very big bar .by jaimej

Tuesday 17 May 2011

On televison there was a piret film . The pirets who whure finding treasure thay foned the treasure .by katie
I heard a bang it was lighting. by isabel.


One day there lived a Pirate. and insted of the sea he lived at the swimming pool at the leishure center. And his coat was beige. Because the leishure center was so famous he was on television that day. But one day a bom crashed into the leishure center. And the Pirate was so scared he ran out of the building in such a shock he fell into the sea and floated to a desert iland. And there he found a treshure chest that was beige and opened it. by olivia.

Thursday Morning

On Thursday Morning I turned on the television and ona show called how much is it worth?And some people working in a pleasure spa,was measuring some,gold,shiny treasure.So I went to the leisure centre in the pleasure spa.In my beige,shiny,little skirt It's fabulous.by Caitlin.

Thursday 12 May 2011

My chocolate cake

In my mind the chocolate cake has the fienest chocolate sauce on.by Jamie

Choclate cake

It had all difrent couler smarties on it. And pink icing driping down the sides. Malteasers stuck in the side. And crispy bits on the top. Once you have touched the icin your finger is stuck. by olivia.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Tasting our ice-cream

Our chocolate ice-cream

Making ice-cream

Shaking the bag to make ice-cream

Chocolate when it cooled

Marshmallows in chocolate

Melted chocolate

Chocolate before we melted it

Augustus Gloop is gredy because he eats lots of choclate he eats chocolat for breckfast and he eats chocolat for tee by daisy

Augustus Gloop

The  finder of the first golden ticket was Augstus Gloop.By Leon and Matthew d.

Augustus Gloop eats to murch food thats whay he is so fat.
If you get to fat you mite not be adel to go on a skote or a bike.by katie

Augustus Glooop

Agustus Gloop from charlie & the chocolate factory fell into a river of melted chocolate splash!!!!!!!!!!!!Into the choclate river he was so greedy that's why he fell into the chocolate river & got sucked up into the pipe
& got taken to the coted fudge room.by Xarea & Caitlin.

Monday 9 May 2011

what we did today

First we got into school.Then we did the regeter. Nat did mental maths and Jamie did mathletics.by Jamie and nat

Chocolate marshmallows

We melted choclate then dipped the marshmallows in.

`choclate comes from cocoa beans they brake them in half and put them in the sun.Then it gose in sacks and then send it to england .  by matthew mj and Freya .
This is an oompaloompa    from charleye and the choclate fatorey
Thay sing a song when somfing hapens to a chield by katie and Daniel

Thursday 5 May 2011

Before we put them in the oven

Chocolate is made from the seeds of the cacao tree.The seeds are
called cocao beans and they grow in large cocao pods. bymohammed
and jamie


me and Isabel

 fownd owt alot abowt cocoa cocac beens because we red abowt cocac beeane.

by jessica  and isabel

cabrys world


This choclate bar is from cabrys wourld. by Olivia and Katie.


Wednesday 4 May 2011

This is a yummy bar of chocolate i wish i could eat it.By Daisy.
prins willem got mareed beefor the eoster holdys kate bi matthewj

the royal weding

The weding Kate and william did a very fames kiss on the balkny millians of people wur woching. kates dad workt her down the ile. carnabl street is qwite klose to the royl weding. in carnabl people dres up very very crasy like  


               by luke                                                                                                                                                  

are roya wedding

We had a wedding or a roya wedding in a church sofa was the bride dylan was geting  maveed and me leon and dan we are pase boys luke was the grait man monammed harry wur userss  prims f illims ees by amaan

The roual wedding

Princs Willam and Princss Kate got a wedding.byfreya

The roual wedding

On friday prinss Wilam and Kate got mariad a peson whacting the wedding had a shark t shirt. There wher no parking spaceis so at the front so they had to park on the road.  They was a farm nere the if pepol had pets.
Some peplo had houres inside they were lots of kids and grown ups.It was pritty long untin the wedding starts in the corner there was some kind of play area. After the wedding prinse wilam and kate had a picure

The royal weding

Princess kait and prince william got marred in londen.The horse were puling the carrig to the church. When thay got thare the bridsmade had come down the iol with kate. by sofia 

The royal weding

Prince William had a driving test at the wedding.  And he went to alton towers  for his Birthday.by dylan

The Royal wedding.

Princewillem and kate hade a marich princedina hase dide now wich is a sad thing for princewillem but princewillem farther is still alive wich is a good thing for princewillem but he still wishis his mum was at the wedding to.By Rafat.
Kate ana william went in a horse and carte wive pritee decaraishens
and she had a beautiful dres.

The royal wedding

William and Kate went on a horse and carriage and they had an enormous cake.

are roya weding

we had a weding in a church and it was rilee fun and we had rilee rileefun party by matthewd

Tuesday 3 May 2011

coco pod

In coco pods are coco beans.As you can see coco pods are a lite gree.You can also make choocla out of it to.By Leon and Matthew
it looks nice iv traid one it.s sweet and its really hard to eat and bite becsece do you haft cut it wive a sizzer or a niffe  and the black bits or pats

This is coco beanes.Coco makes Chocolate ..
coco beans looks funny.on mario kart on DS theres a race called choco moutain. People love they dont no that it comes from ghana.It's true we saw it on TV.It comes from the ground.theres a lot of coco beans on this picture. Is it fair on the farmer who makes it.
This choclate is made from cacoa beans wich are beans but a diffrent sourt of beans wich make lovely choclate & you get to buy the choclate when it is made & ready.by xarea raynae remaya

cocoa beans

cocoa beans like to live in wome places and thay live on trees by katie isabel  sofia.

the royal wedding

One sunny tuesday sue and prince andrew got marrid. Sue and andrew were walking on the mat and sues dress came of and she had to use sticky glue to get it back together again. by olivia.
On Tuesday theair was a wedding.from raynae sharma

the royal wedding

On Tusday prince Andrew was geting marred to sue . Sue had to chose a dress.She fonde a perfecd one.
She work up the iyel with her dad.by katie

The royal Other Wedding

On Tuesday it was the maraige of Sue and the rude,nude Prince Andrew.

Monday 2 May 2011

Decorating wedding biscuits

Cucumber sandwiches

Making pizzas

Nice hat mrs z

Making bunting for the wedding reception

The queen and prince Phillip

The bride and her mum

More photos

The marriage register

The vicar