Welcome to Year 2's Class Blog. We hope you enjoy reading our blogs and looking at photos of us in class.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

One day it was raining. And i was in terbl pain. I needid to go to the docter for a xray. On the way to the docters i a steem train go by. I had my xray but it was not so bad.

ai ay and ae

One sunny day i went on a big train and saw a norty bridesmaid eating red graipes and her name was called daisy. And her nickname was Dashing Daisy. Daisy was going to spain and after that she was going to france.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

To day wey put this pichar on the blog for you I finc the boc you maid was amazing I red it wif my teacher I hope you ar ok bay remaya and xarea.
This  is  a  gorila  by   matthewj and matthew  mcCormick .


Gorilla's are very very very similer to monkey's.
Gorilla's play similer to monkey's.
Gorilla's eat like monkey's.
mohammed and leon
These are some of the animals that live in the amzon rainforest. by Olivia and Katie


me and luke and dylan  love to hear from your frogs we will tell you a aboat are topic rainforist aminals  and the selfish crocodile he is taking to us   on twiter biy amaan luke and dylan
butterflys.I like butterflys because they are prity this is what i like about them. I like the nice colours.The colours butterflys have are perpal bluw and yellow and if you are looky you might even get pinck or if your look has come trur you will get red. by daisy
This is a real spider.This is as big as it can get.Most girl's are scared of it.by Jamie
This isen't a spider from the amazon rainforest it's made out metal.I think it's a paraid.It's in London.There's a digger at the back.by Jamie

The selfish crocodile .

THE  CROCODILE  WOULD  LIKE  HIS  TOOTH    ACE  TO  GO  AWAY   BECAUSE  IT  HURTS  .HE  SHOULD  ASK  THE  SELfish  crocodile  tooth  ace  .But  just   before  the  selfish  crodile  could  even  groan  one  more  time    a  mouse  apeard   runing  down  his  chest   that  looked  like  honey  and  waffals  and  puled  out  selfish  crocodiles  tooth.

The Selfish Crocodile

If I was  one of them scared animals I would have ranaway qiukerthan you can say runaway.
So if I was the Selfish Crocodile  in pain I should have made them a humunges,gigantic diel I will let you drink and baith  in the river but there was one problem how could he talk to them he was in allfall allfall pain.

by caitlin
The mouse should of left going in the crocodiles mouth because it could eat him because the crocodile is mean.by daisy

could should,and would

The tiny little mouse could of fallan down the sharp teeth monsters throat. The little  mouse should of tryed and fixed the crocidiles jynoumous mouth.The mouse would of runed and tripped over his sharp tooth and his blud could of come out and his blud is very slimy.by olivia.

could,would and should sentenses

Could the animals help the porly,hurt crocodile?Should the crocodile not of bean mean to the poor,thirsty animals?Would the leavs shake with the big GROAN?.by Jamie

Monday 14 February 2011

We have ben mesaring  i wasant do ing it to day bay remaya

My favourite cartoon gorilla

Gorilla's are very very similer to monkey's.
Gorilla's eat like monkey's.
Gorilla's swing like monkey's.
Gorilla's play like monkey's'
The shrimp is very brave
becuse he is in a prarners
We have been leaning about the Amazon rainforest and we have been leaning about the animals
too and they are hundredreds of animals back there.By xarea
Crocodile's go SNAP! SNAP! SNAP!.Crocodile's are mostly green.Jamie and Madeleine
               This animal has a nice desigh on it and it is a nice animal and it is a friendly animal from raynaes
The couled or brold and pritee and soft and lox ov couledfl it have ov fervz
by mia and isabel
Gorilla's don't lay egg's because they are mammel's.Gorilla's eat leave's and plant's.Gorilla's are black because they wan't to be cameflaged.Gorilla's make there own shelter.I watched a film of the amazon rainforest and I saw gorilla's having a war.by Jamie and Madeleine

This is a brigtle couled parrot how has lots of bifrent couled pattons evrywhere on him by katie
The selfish crocodile is mean because he triks the other animals.The selfish crocodile is also snapey.He is always mean.In the end the selfish crocodile is kind to the other animals and let them drink the river water. by daisy
The selfish  crocodile  is   meen     becos   he    is  snapee becos
he showts at uver anmuls .
The selfish crocodile is selfish becos he wonts the river to his self
by jessica
The selfish  crocodile was gredy becuse he didnt  let the other animals in the river . The selfish crocodile was   mean becuse he wasnt  caring about the other animals.I   wood  like to be the selfish crocodile friend if he will  be kind . I will like to make friends with the selfish crocodile becuse he is starting to be kind   to  the animals. From raynaes

Thursday 10 February 2011

My favourate bit of the shelfish crocodile

My favourate bit of the shelfish crocodile is when he invite's all the animals  buecuse I like when all the buetiful animals all together.by Jamie

The selfish crocodile

The selfish crocodile was nise and calm when the mouse took his tooth out OWW sed the crocodile.

by caitlin

The selfish crockadile.

When the winjy crocodile let poeple in it s  lake.

selfish crocidile

When he let all the animals in the pool. So they could baith and drink. And they could all have fun. And in the end all the animals were best friends forever.
A nother crocidile i call him crock.
Tis is a picture of a crocidile.by olivia.

this is harry he is in letsbtend  we wer lerning abawt flornsnitangaul. from daniel holmes

Wednesday 9 February 2011

I  lihgt the bign bang  becus it is clulvule
by mia

It is funny when your snake has had a baby but when you find out it has got your baby and it is stuck to it thinking that it is her baby.This is not the largest snake in the world ok.by maddie
This is the world largest snake from katie
This is the world longest snake.On the film they put it in a pool for snake's and it was in a big cage and people were scared of it when it came near them.by Jamie

This is a picture of a boy in a snake.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

The selfish crocodile

The selfish crocodile has teeth shaped like triangels. he has sleep eys. Its tail like a dragen. The selfish crocodile has  skin like a disco ball.The selfish crocodile has short lumps on his dack.
HIS eyes are like a hous on fire. The crocodile has a tummy like a muotin. THE crocodiles teeth like a nighth. The selfish crocodie teeth like are like a light ball.

we  or   lening  abowt   the   Amzen   rai    forist       by  jessica

Monday 7 February 2011

reyn forist

by remaya  and freya
 To dey    we meyd   snayke out ofo cley  it got evrey wer.
We have been leaning about snakes this afternoon.by  Madeleine and by Sofia
This is a picture of a snake. Snakes can't see or hear very well but they can smell much better then you or me.They use there forked tongues to smell and taste the air around them.by Katie and Jamie

We are larning  about snake  and we have been doing some clay .And been doing some scaleals. by nat

by  jessica  and livy  and caitlin


LOG ANG  BIG AND INCHrdin and is coum    thom the  Amazon     rainforest.by jaime


we wor macing snacs  and we hato do the sknals by matthewmcclean
  we are larnig abaot snakes and we rurleey like to harig from you for snake biy nat and amaanrahim


We have bean making snake's out of clay today just like this.Snake's have scale's but on his belly is a smooth bit.There are lot's of difrent kind's of snake's there are poisonous snakes and constrictors and vipers and Typical snakes and that's all I can think of.Snakes have no arms and no legs.Instead they have a bendy body that wriggles.Some slither in a  straight line others like a viper wiggle in a s shape.Most snakes are grean.snakes have no eyelids so they cannot blink.They have a tong like a dragon.by Jamie