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Monday, 31 January 2011
This week we have been learnig about the wild road show a lady brang some animals and she brang ozzy the bearded dragon and rossie the tranchaler and sally the the snail
The wild rode show
there is osey the beardied drogoen and rosey the turantla and saily the snail and a millepeed called billy and the last animal is a cockroch i don't no by maddie
by mia
by mia
The wild road show was very nise this is why. because we had a lizard a trarancherler a snail and a millapeed. by olivia and isabel.
The wild road show
THE DRAGEN FUNYcles it has ruf skin. The milped
The wild road show.
This week some whone has shone there animals and its called the wild roadshow and the animals were a bearded dragon called ozzie and a trantula called rossie and a milapeede and a snail called sally and Jasmin
the snake.
a snake called Jasmin.
the snake.
a snake called Jasmin.
The Wild Roadshow
We saw a bearded dragon,tranchtiller,millerpead,snail.
by mohammed
by mohammed
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
animal riddiles
I am a animal that cullse arowd trees .
I hiss and, lay egs.
I have a long bodey and ,i sliver arowd.
I eat meat and inseks.
I hiss and, lay egs.
I have a long bodey and ,i sliver arowd.
I eat meat and inseks.
Monday, 24 January 2011
wayalde rowd showfrom the amzon
We hav lucing at sum animumus and some of the animals war venmas and we sawa a tranchalar I finc it wasvenmas bay remaya
rainforist anmils
The animels in rainforist are from the aznozen came to are shool. by steven and josh
The wild rode show
Rosey the tarantula and billy the milepeed and salley the land snail and a cockroach called we don't
by madeleine bailey and caitlin
by madeleine bailey and caitlin
Theis morning we wer wive the reptayul ladee
and she shod us some anmals she let us torch the
byjessica andsofia and isabel
and she shod us some anmals she let us torch the
byjessica andsofia and isabel
The wild road show
Today the wild road show came.We saw a snail and a milapied and a cocroach and a taranatula and a dragon lizard.We needed to wash are hands at the end.by Jamie and Nat
The wild road show
This morning we looked at some animals that this lady had and there was a snail a trantula and a milapede and a berded dragon and it was fun very fun.by Daisy Xarea
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Save the amazon
The Amazon rainforest is in Brazil.If we don't help the Amazon the poeple won't get oxygan.The monkey's won't have fun buecuse they won't get eney tree's.
Amzan rainforist
If the trees are chopt down the anamols will dIy becous the trees mak oxygen.We can help it if we rsicl lots of paper.We can asow help if we send a leter to the priminister.By Leon.
the amazon rainforest
The amazon is in brazil people are cuting down the trees.And we want them to stop.Because people will
loose oxygon. by nat
loose oxygon. by nat
amizon rainforest
The amizon rainforest is in brizal.We are trying to save the rainforest if we resicle paper so we dont cut down trees.The peaple who live in the rainforest might die. by olivia.
IF the rainforest gets coot down the anials and the pepole mihgt get will not get any oxsgon. If we dont reicall the paper the rainfoest will get coot down and the plants will diea. we cloud send mony to help save the rainforest. by dylan
The Amazon Rainforest
In the Amazon Rainforest in brazil people die because of tree's and plant's getting choped and trodden on.
Rycile paper so people in the Amazon Rainforest don't die and send an envelope with seed's in it to grow tree's and plant's. snakes will get sqished and bird's won't have anywhere to live.
by caitlin
Rycile paper so people in the Amazon Rainforest don't die and send an envelope with seed's in it to grow tree's and plant's. snakes will get sqished and bird's won't have anywhere to live.
by caitlin
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
tree frogs
Tree frogs have stickey feet sometimes they sit on leafs like this one here tree frogs are natral things that means that they are not man made it is that we do not have tree frogs are not in are contry becuse we don t have a rainforst by maddie
I like this pikcher because it is pritty.it livs in amreca it looks like a shooting star butterfiy on the erth by Daisy
this is two pink dolphins there swiming in a rainforest in brazil.
Tree frog
fTree frogs live in the Rainforest.They eat flies and bugs.Ther great at climing.Ther skin coler is green.
Ther eye's are red.Ther feet are orange. by Leon and Jamie
Ther eye's are red.Ther feet are orange. by Leon and Jamie
Coulers and animals
Cute dolphins
are swimming in the bright blue sea.
by caitlin and joshua
Monday, 17 January 2011
This is a photo of a pink dolphin at the Amazon and you can swim with them.by Jamie Matthew and Harry
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
Gorillas live the canopy.
They live with the monkey.
And birds.
They live with the monkey.
And birds.
in the rainforest the spider ar bib. lizeds ar big and ner funee bay jaime
Gorillas are animals that live in places like rainforests and zoos. when gorillas are angry they bang there chest or they bang there chest because they want other gorillas atenchoun.
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Today we have been learning about a country about sao paulo and there is some amazing animals that you can see there like there are some snakes and tigers and crockadiels and a gorilla looking after its cub. by xarea.
Monday, 10 January 2011
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