Welcome to Year 2's Class Blog. We hope you enjoy reading our blogs and looking at photos of us in class.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

we   did    mac     the      b     ov b       the      bang       wiv     stics    it   wos  gud  we   er going to hang it up   from daniel.
We or druring faywiks and  puting the biy of the ban.
bay isabel

By r@f'@t.

BY  R@F@T.  We  h@ve  been  m@ycking  @  big  scolcher  of  bee  of  the  b@ng.
This is a picture of the school b of the bang and are teacher.
by caitlin

b of the bang

by Matthew.I made a stick to make the bang.And it was fun.It took a long time.And we are going to make
a big one.And we are doing it with resepshen year one and year two.
This is a picture of all of are stiks and we made it into the B of the bang.by Jamie
we have been decratin peesi of wood .and it was fun it took a long time.by dylan

A big bee of the bang.

We   have    been    maycking   a   big    bee   of    the   bang.   By   rafat.

b of the bang.

we have ben lurning  abowt b of the  bang rite now we ar triing to make a big one. but there is one problem.
I am rapping wool round my stick on art day.
I was colouring my stick because it was artday

Monday 15 November 2010

Our mini B of the Bangs

B of the Bang

we or lurning about  the be of the bang and we or useing strurs
by raynae and isabel
we were lerning about  the b  of  the bang  today and guy furks and the gun powder by maya maddie

b of the bang

We have bin lernig abot b of the bang . We made it with sraws. we did it all.And we made some with paper.it was hard . It was so hard. By joshi and mattew.

Bee of the bang

By rafat we have been lerning abowt bee of the bang.
We were making  the B of the bang out of staws.by Jamie

Friday 12 November 2010

Guy Fawkes came to visit today

guy fawkes dighary

dear dighary I am unhappy buecuse king James is being mean to us so I got 12 men and we made a plan to blow up the houses of parlamunt and I was the expert of gunpowder .we wer going to do dish on the 5th of november.

Monday 8 November 2010

Art day

Art day


b of the bang

people did not like the king becuse  he was not nice and abit mean    and he was chrapt in the house of parermentby raynaE HARRY                                                          

B of the bang

 We have been lerning about B of the bang .
bymohammed bysofia

bee of the bank

We have bin lernig abot bee of the bank. We made sufe out of panits and craons and fere and yere 1 did it as well ,Well you what we did fireworks thas what mr what man as i was saing some of my frends did this work .Thaey were no ploplis at all onist it was hard to bleve hos was hos but we put names on and a spras
by josh

b of the bang

we have been learning about b of the bang and we did a jigsaw of it . it was so hard we had so much peces. we had a parkner when we were doing the jigsaw. today we were drawing pictures of fireworks with all things you can do on paper like straws spunges paint brushes. by olivia and dylan.

Saturday 6 November 2010

Friday 5 November 2010


It was like a vawkano itsploding
It was hot like lava
It was poity like a sharks tooth
It was lawd like a jaynts vois
It was smoking like a bernt pees of bred
Fizzing like coka
Dangerous like a shark
Lawd as a drum
Aperkling like gliter

by Dylan

fon fire

poping like a bloon

by jaime

Cool fireworks

By mohammed

firewo rks

pop   ing      like     popoon.
spar    king      like fiyr.
Smoking     like fiyr
Snapping like an aligator
shining like gold


Firework Colours


Hot like lava.
Scary like pollution.
Hot like a tornado.
Dangerous like fire.
Started in a kaboom.
Crackling likea crackle.
Flickering like a flicker.
Burning like fire.
Dangrous like a tornado.
By mohammed

Bon fire

Damdders  !  sparks !
Burning like a slice of toast
Burning like fire
Burning like a volcano
Burning like a building on fire

by steven                                                                                 


It    was   like   an    explsplotion.It   was   hot   like   lava.It    was    popping    like    a    bomb.It    was   snapping    asife     it    said     kaboom.As    hard    and     still    and    cold     as    a     rock.blasting    hot    like     sparks.Fizzing    like     lemonade.

By   xarea



hers my pome abot fierworcs berning like a fire  denders
 like a spack  exspoding
 like a bom berning like
 smoke lava is hot nosis like
 braking smoking is danders rising like blasting
 off flickering like snaping splckinig like a srar
 kanboom like rising

 do you like i made it my slfe have a nice day by josh     and a bomfire nigte

Wednesday 3 November 2010

fizzy oringe like lukazade rabbits like cangeruse sparks like plates whirling like spiners iegles like birds skriming like cats chiters like sports bikes ingerd in a shower of sparks
by caitlin


Fizzing like coke.Jumping like grasshopper.Wizzing like boomrangs.Wirling like twirls.Swooping like birds.By mohammed


Fizzing like coke jumping like grasshopers.wizzing like boomarangs.Swooping like birds.wirling like twirls.
by matthew


fizzing  like fizzy  water
jumping like spring
wizzing like kite
swooping like parroshoots
screaming  like  a  baby
zooming  like rokets
biying in a  flash of  rain


fizzing    like diet coke
jumping like  springs
wizzing  like bomarangs
whirling like  skipping roaps
by nat


fizzing like diet coke
jumping like spings
wizzing like boomarangs
whirling like skiping roap
swoaping like birds
sceaming like poeple
zoming like rokits
dying in a shower of water. by Jamie


fizzing like fizzy water  jumping like springs wizzing like kites swoop[ing like parroshoots screaming like a baby zooming like rockets dying in a flash of rain.

Monday 1 November 2010

The Gunpowder Plot

This half term we will be learning about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot.  This might help with your talk homework!